ČESMAD Slovakia has established service ČESMAD ASSISTANCE that is emergency and heavy vehicle rescue for its members as well as for all road transport operators which operate vehicles of more than 3,5 tons. ČESMAD Slovakia wants to contribute for the improvement of safety on the roads this way.

ČESMAD Slovakia in collaboration with strong partners wants to provide assistance services on the principles of quality, speed, serious approach and price. Assistance services are available nonstop - 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and 365 days per year

ČESMAD ASSISTANCE is available nonstop:

  • short phone number 18 777
  • free phone number 0800 500 505
  • phone number for calls from abroad +421 917 230 485 (Orange network)
  • phone number for calls from abroad +421 902 431 498 (T-Mobile network) 

or contact by e-mail: